👏The Board of Education recognized and congratulated the district's three Destination Imagination teams and learned more about their State competitions.🎨🎭 DI's mission is to inspire and equip youth to imagine and innovate through the creative process. #WEareTIPP #DIteams
DI Team.
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DI Team advances to Globals!
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DI Team advances to Globals!
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👏Congratulations to the most recent Tippecanoe Middle School Rock Stars of the Week: Riley Cook, Sadie Venters, and Charlotte Heil (not pictured).👍👏
TMS Rock Stars of the Week.
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😊LT Ball Intermediate's fearless principal, Mike Vagedes, is taking on a new challenge and trying out the school's climbing wall! 🧗‍♂️He makes it look easy. 👍😊
Mike Vagedes tries the climbing wall.
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Mike Vagedes on the clmbing wall
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LT Ball principal tries the climbing wall.
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👏🏻👏🏻Congratulations to Tippecanoe High School Red Devil of the Week, Hayley Tandy. Her nominator, Joel Derge, wrote, Hayley always helps students in Adapted PE class and comes to class every day willing to learn, assist, and make another student's day!😊#WEareTIPP
Red Devil of the Week
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👏📜Congratulations to the Tippecanoe Middle School Rock Stars of the Week (3/18 to 3/22), Chase McCormick, Liam Grube, and Chris Sharpe. 🎸👏
TMS Rock Stars of the Week.
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Schedule Change Due to an unexpected conflict, tonight's School Calendar Public Meeting at the Board of Education is canceled. If you have a suggestion or comment about the academic school calendar, please call the superintendent at 937-667-8444.
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📚It is National School Librarian Day.👏🏻 Thank you to our librarians for providing students and staff access to resources, promoting literacy, collaborating, and teaching research skills. 👩‍🏫 We appreciate your valuable contributions to our district.🏫
National School Librarian Day.
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🎨✨ Nevin Coppock Family Art Night was a smashing success! 🌟✨ Thank you to our families for joining us for an evening filled with creativity, smiles, and colorful artwork! 🙌Shoutout to Heather Combs for organizing such a colorful event!👩‍🎨👨‍🎨#WEareTIPP #familyartnight
Nevin Coppock Family Art Night.
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Nevin Coppock Family Art Night.
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Nevin Coppock Family Art Night.
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Nevin Coppock Family Art Night.
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Due to the timing of the expected inclement weather, Tipp City Schools will release students early. TMS will dismiss at 1:15, THS will dismiss at 1:20, and elementary schools will dismiss at 2:15. Please stay safe.
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👏🏻Congratulations to Tippecanoe High School's "Hopeful Teacher of the Month" honoree Raeanne Wirrig. The Hope Squad recognizes staff who work hard to support students, radiate hope, and help students stay afloat with a monthly "Golden Duck" trophy.🦆 #hopesquad #WEareTIPP
THS Hope Squad
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